So far in the Getting Right with Your Money Series, we have talked about the need for having a vision, knowing where you currently stand with your money and making a plan for yourself. Now that you have all those together, you are probably feeling really good about your plans and what you have in store for the future! You have told everyone about your plans…including the dog and the wall! This is great, but if you are not careful talking too much can trick you into thinking you are actually doing the work to accomplish your goal.

Make no mistake; talking with no action will bring you no results!

It’s time to stop talking and start doing!

So, let’s say you realized an opportunity in your business to create a brand-new service. You want to take advantage of the opportunity because you have had numerous people approach you to create the service. You have taken the time to plan out all the steps in the process of creating the new service in great detail, so much that you can visualize how the new service is going to make such a great impact to your current and future clients.

You went as far as to start putting the feelers out there for the service by telling people at your networking events that it is coming, and you have a list of people actually waiting for you to launch the service…but you haven’t done anything to bring the service to the market, get paid and to help all those clients that you daydreamed about helping. My friend, you have failed to implement!

Why is Implementing So Challenging?

Unfortunately, you have spent so much time talking and thinking about the new service that it actually felt like you were really doing something. It’s now six months later, and you are feeling like a fraud because you said you were going to do something but you failed to deliver. Planning can be very sexy and lustful if you get caught in its allure and take your sight off of the fact that you actually need to do the work and implement the said thing!

Implementation is something that we all have challenges with, it all depends on what you are trying to implement and change…because all implementations involve change, and all humans are resistant to change in some form. Change resistance is real, but it doesn’t always look like a fight. Using the example from above, although you may have been excited because you saw what was in it for you, the resistance may have shown up as:

  • Fear: Not feeling 100% confident on being able to deliver the service.
  • Overwhelm: Not clear as to what steps to take next.
  • Your comfort zone: You may have gotten really comfortable with the number of clients that you have, and you don’t want to rock the boat because of the time commitment needed from you to provide the new service – even though you have people pretty much begging you to offer it.
  • Money mindset: This opportunity to offer the new service, may make you sustainably more money, and you have all kind of weird feelings about it.
  • Distraction: #squirrelsyndrome! Your mind is FULL with so many ideas…and they are probably all awesome, and let’s not forget the comparison factor. These things can really derail you from making any progress because you get caught in the roundabout of indecision. Yes, you need to know what your competition is doing to a point so you can see if what you are offering is something that the market actually needs. It shouldn’t take up all of your brain power to lead you to start doubting what you bring to the table.

If these feelings do show up, it is not something to be ignored, but it is something to pay attention to. Your subconscious may be trying to tell you something, or your fear is just in overdrive for some reason and you need to tell it to go sit down somewhere! It’s important to know and listen to yourself, but with the objective of moving past the blocks that you are having so you can push forward and achieve what you said you need/want.

So How Do I Proceed with Doing the Work in Spite of #Allthefeels

Once you are able to eliminate that what you are feeling isn’t really a reason to not proceed with actually doing the work, it’s time to go get sh*t done! One of the first things that you will need to do if you haven’t done so already, is to put timelines on the plan that you created. The objective is to review what your plans are and then break them down into time frames of when the necessary tasks will be completed.

When breaking down your implementation plan you can look at the things that you need to do from the following view:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly

Breaking down your tasks into timeframes, allows you to make small steps towards your goal so you will achieve small wins and not get overwhelmed. When making your plans, do not try to cram too many things into timeframes that will not be realistic for you to achieve or sustain without detriment to yourself or your relationships.

Repeat after Me “I will focus on progress and not perfection”

There is a difference between focusing on providing high value and quality vs being a perfectionist. Perfectionism will slow you down or stop you from proceeding with doing the work.

I will be the first to admit that from time to time perfectionism tries to creep up on me. I often need to remind myself that I can still do high-quality work and provide a lot of value, even if everything is not 100% perfect. I am human, and so are you! We will make mistakes, and not have the answers to everything…and that is ok!

Please know that we humans were not made to have all the answers, although I know it doesn’t look or feel that way nowadays.

Implementation is about making progress, albeit not perfect! It is also meant to be iterative, I can guarantee you that none of your plans will be executed 100% the way you thought it would be, hence the need to be flexible and build in wiggle room into your plans. You will most likely fail at something while doing the work, this is where wisdom and opportunity come into play – be grateful for it because you will get the necessary lessons that you need to help you achieve your goals. Doing the work allows you to see where your value is most needed and provides you with an opportunity to grow so you can be valuable to the people and clients who you serve.

You Can Do This!

I want to remind you that you are more than capable of implementing all the things that are necessary for you to achieve your goals, but it will take a lot of focus, honesty, and discipline. All of your visions and dreams require you to do something and to have the money and time to make it happen.

If implementing new things is something that you struggle with, be sure to give this blog post more than one read and follow the tips. The only way you will know if something works for you is by actually trying it out…doing the work! You got this ?

Did you know that you also have the option of booking a free 30-minute Money & Tea Chat with me?

When you book a chat with me, we can discuss the issues that you are having with implementing changes with your finances and business, and see how best we can work together to get you to make the necessary changes and achieve the results that you desire. You can book a chat with me here, or by clicking the pic above.

I look forward to speaking with you soon and don’t forget or be shy to book your Money and Tea Chat



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